Sunday Service

Holy Eucharist on Sundays 10:00am – 11:15am in person.

All services are also live-streamed through our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel.

Zoom Prayer

Morning Prayer on Wednesdays 10:00am – 10:30am on Zoom.

Please call or email the parish to be added to the Zoom invite list.

Join Us

We strive to be a church where everyone is welcome and valued no matter where you come from, how long you stay, or whether you are used to attending church or not.

Whether you are visiting family or friends, here on business, or looking for a parish that feels right, we would love to have you visit.

10am Sundays in-person.

10am Wednesdays on Zoom.

See you soon!


Our church reflects something of the amazing variety of people living in this dynamic community.

We are partnered and single, old and young, gay and straight. Some of us have a sure Christian faith and some struggle with belief.

We strive to be a family where everyone matters and is encouraged to be a part of our community.

Wherever you are in your journey of faith and whatever your doubts, your fears, and your questions, you are welcome at All Saints’.

All are welcome here.

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130+ years

Founded in the Lirio Hall just blocks from our current location in the heart of downtown, All Saints Episcopal Church Palo Alto has been a pillar of progressive faith in Palo Alto for over a century. Learn more about our history and our future.

880 pounds

That’s how much food the food pantry we host distributes to the community every week. Managed by a standalone non-profit, our parishioners regularly volunteer with this life-saving ministry: feed the hungry, welcome the stranger.


That describes our sublime Flentrop organ: a 22-rank mechanical action instrument built by Dirk Flentrop in 1967. Come to service on Sunday at 10:00am and hear the hymns reverberate through your ears and deep into your heart.


We strive to be a church where everyone is welcome and valued no matter where you come from, how long you stay, or whether you are used to attending church or not. Whether you are visiting family or friends, here on business, or looking for a parish that feels right, we would love to have you visit. 

Our church reflects something of the amazing variety of people living in this dynamic community. We are partnered and single, old and young, gay and straight.  Some of us have a sure Christian faith and some struggle with belief.  We strive to be a family where everyone matters and is encouraged to be a part of our community.  Wherever you are in your journey of faith and whatever your doubts, your fears, and your questions, you are welcome at All Saints Episcopal Church Palo Alto.

Holy Eucharist at 10:00 – 11:15am on Sundays in-person.

Morning Prayer at 10:00 – 10:30am on Wednesdays on Zoom.

All Saints Episcopal Church Palo Alto is a non-profit that is supported by the parishioners, visitors and the community. You can donate directly to All Saints Episcopal Church Palo Alto via credit, debit, or ACH via Realm or PayPal using the button below: